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Utilities Not Regulated by the PUCT





Wireless Telecommunications Service (Pager & Cellular Phone)

Complaints about your wireless service should be directed to the FCC's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.

FCC Wireless Communications Bureau Website:

Cable Television Service

Texas cable laws require any municipal franchise that is currently in force to remain in force until the franchise expires. Once the municipal franchise expires, a State-Issued Certificate of Franchise Authority (SICFA) must be obtained in order for the provider to continue offering service in a particular service area.

SICFAs are obtained through the Public Utility Commission (PUCT). The PUCT merely issues the SICFA and is not authorized to resolve disputes between providers and customers. The PUCT can only forward cable complaints to the cable company involved and provide customer service contact information.

If you have a complaint about your cable provider, the PUCT encourages customers to contact their city or county (if the provider is still serving pursuant to a municipal franchise) or the cable provider (if they have a state-wide franchise) to resolve issues. Depending on the nature of the complaint, customers may need to appear in court for a complaint resolution.

The FCC has established customer service standards for cable providers. Cable providers with a SICFA must follow these standards until there are two or more providers (excluding satellite providers) offering cable service in the relevant municipality. Information on these standards and matters that are under the FCC's jurisdiction can be found at the FCC's Cable Service Bureau website:

Natural Gas Service

Gas utility service is regulated by the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC). Complaints about your gas service should be directed to the RRC.

RCC Website:

Office of Public Assistance (toll-free): 1-877-228-5740; option 5

Water Utility Service

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is responsible for the general supervision and oversight of water districts and public water systems. Complaints about the quality of your drinking water, pressure, or safety of your water source should be directed to the TCEQ.

You may also email complaints to the TCEQ at:

TCEQ Website:

TCEQ (toll-free): 1-888-777-3186

Long Distance Phone Service

Except in instances of slamming and cramming, complaints about your long distance phone service should be directed to the FCC's guide to - Local, Local Toll, and Long Distance Calling:

Municipally-owned Electric Utilities

Municipal utilities are governed by a local board or city council. Utility rates and service policies are set by these local entities. Contact your local city council or utility board regarding municipal utilities such as electric and water service.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Regulated

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has regulatory oversight over long distance phone service, wireless service, including pager and cell phone services, and cable television service. You can contact the FCC's Consumer Information Bureau by calling toll-free at 1-888-225-5322.

FCC Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Website:

Information on filing a complaint with the FCC can be found at: