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Telecom Interconnection Rules  

Chapter 21 Rules  Chapter 21 Rules

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Telecom Interconnection Rules
Rule Description/Explanatory Information Effective
21 TOC Chapter 21 Table of Contents 08/06/24
Subchapter A General Provisions and Definitions
§21.1 Purpose and Scope. 03/01/04
§21.3 Definitions. 03/01/04
§21.5 Representative Appearances. 08/14/24
§21.7 Standards of Conduct. 03/01/04
§21.9 Computation of Time. 03/01/04
§21.11 Suspension of Rules and Good Cause Exceptions. 03/01/04
Subchapter B Pleadings, Documents, and Other Materials
§21.31 Filing of Pleadings, Documents and Other Materials. 08/14/24
§21.33 Formal Requisites of Pleadings and Documents to be filed with the Commission. 08/14/24
§21.35 Service of Pleadings and Documents. 08/14/24
§21.37 Examination and Correction of Pleadings and Documents. 03/01/04
§21.39 Amended Pleadings. 03/01/04
§21.41 Motions. 08/14/24
Subchapter C Preliminary Issues, Orders, and Proceedings
§21.61 Threshold Issues and Certification of Issues to the Commission. 08/14/24
§21.63 Interim Issues and Orders. 03/01/04
§21.65 Interlocutory Appeals. 03/01/04
§21.67 Dismissal of a Proceeding. 03/01/04
§21.69 Summary Decisions. 03/01/04
§21.71 Sanctions. 03/01/04
§21.73 Consolidation of Dockets, Consolidation of Issues, and Joint Filings. 03/01/04
§21.75 Motions for Clarification and Motions for Reconsideration. 08/14/24
§21.77 Confidential Material. 03/01/04
Subchapter D Dispute Resolution
§21.91 Mediation. 03/01/04
§21.93 Voluntary Alternative Dispute Resolution. 03/01/04
§21.95 Compulsory Arbitration. 08/14/24
§21.97 Approval of Negotiated Agreements. 03/01/04
§21.99 Approval of Arbitrated Agreements. 08/14/24
§21.101 Approval of Amendments to Existing Interconnection Agreements. 08/14/24
§21.103 Approval of Agreements Adopting Terms and Conditions Pursuant to Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 (FTA) §252(i). 08/14/24
Subchapter E Post-Interconnection Agreement Dispute Resolution
§21.121 Purpose. 03/01/04
§21.123 Informal Settlement Conference. 08/14/24
§21.125 Formal Dispute Resolution Proceeding. 08/14/24
§21.127 Request for Expedited Ruling. 03/01/04
§21.129 Request for Interim Ruling Pending Dispute Resolution. 03/01/04