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Recent Rule Changes

Rules and Laws
Project # Rule Title Effective / Reviewed Date
54584 §25.508 Reliability Standard for the ERCOT Region. 09/29/2024
56691 §24.25 Form and Filing of Tariffs. 09/05/2024
56691 §24.238 Fair Market Valuation. 09/05/2024
56705 §22.123 Appeal of an Interim Order and Motions for Reconsideration of Interim Order Issued by the Commission. 09/05/2024
56705 §22.181 Dismissal of a Proceeding. 09/05/2024
56705 §22.262 Commission Action After a Proposal for Decision. 09/05/2024
55293 §21.5 Representative Appearances 08/14/2024
55293 §21.31 Filing of Pleadings, Documents, and Other Materials 08/14/2024
55293 §21.33 Formal Requisites of Pleading and Documents to be Filed with the Commission 08/14/2024
55293 §21.35 Service of Pleadings and Documents 08/14/2024
55293 §21.41 Motions 08/14/2024
55293 §21.61 Threshold Issues and Certification of Issues to the Commission 08/14/2024
55293 §21.75 Motions for Clarification and Motions for Reconsideration 08/14/2024
55293 §21.95 Compulsory Arbitration 08/14/2024
55293 §21.99 Approval of Arbitrated Agreements 08/14/2024
55293 §21.101 Approval of Amendments to Existing Interconnection Agreements 08/14/2024
55293 §21.103 Approval of Agreements Adopting Terms and Conditions Pursuant to Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 (FTA) §252(i) 08/14/2024
55293 §21.123 Informal Settlement Conference 08/14/2024
55293 §21.125 Formal Dispute Resolution Proceeding 08/14/2024
56223 §24.233 Contents of Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Applications 08/14/2024
56223 §24.245 Revocation of a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity or Amendment of a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity by Decertification, Expedited Release, or Streamlined Expedited Release. 08/14/2024
55307 §27.21 Commission Employee Training. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.31 Historically Underutilized Business Program. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.65 Definitions. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.69 Sovereign Immunity. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.81 Notice of Claim of Breach of Contract. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.83 Agency Counterclaim. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.85 Request for Voluntary Disclosure of Additional Information. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.87 Duty to Negotiate. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.89 Timetable. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.91 Conduct of Negotiation. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.93 Settlement Approval Procedures. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.97 Costs of Negotiation. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.99 Request for Contested Case Hearing. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.111 Mediation Timetable. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.113 Conduct of Mediation. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.115 Agreement to Mediate. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.117 Qualifications and Immunity of the Mediator. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.121 Costs of Mediation. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.123 Settlement Approval Procedures. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.125 Initial Settlement Agreement. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.127 Final Settlement Agreement. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.143 Factors Supporting the Use of Assisted Negotiation Processes. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.145 Use of Assisted Negotiation Processes. 07/03/2024
55307 §27.161 Procedures for Resolving Vendor Protests. 07/03/2024
56253 §22.104 Motions to Intervene. 05/15/2024
55955 §22.246 Administrative Penalties . 05/15/2024
55955 §25.8 Classification System for Violations of Statutes, Rules, and Orders Applicable to Electric Service Providers. 05/15/2024
55948 §25.504 Wholesale Market Power in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas Power Region. 05/15/2024
55812 §25.511 Texas Energy Fund Completion Bonus Grant Program. 05/15/2024
55826 §25.510 Texas Energy Fund In-ERCOT Generation Loan Program. 04/23/2024
53924 §24.240 Water and Sewer Utility Rates After Acquisition. 04/10/2024
55566 §25.195 Terms and Conditions for Transmission Service. 03/07/2024
55250 §25.62 Transmission and Distribution System Resiliency Plans. 02/08/2024
55323 §25.173 Renewable Energy Credit Program. 1/01/2024
54589 §26.5 Definitions. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.30 Complaints. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.31 Disclosures to Applicants and Customers. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.32 Protection Against Unauthorized Billing Charges (Cramming). 12/21/2023
54589 §26.34 Telephone Prepaid Calling Services. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.52 Emergency Operations. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.53 Inspections and Tests. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.54 Service Objectives and Performance Benchmarks. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.73 Annual Earnings Reports. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.79 Equal Opportunity Reports. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.80 Annual Report on Historically Underutilized Businesses. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.85 Report on Workforce Diversity and other Business Practices. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.89 Nondominant Carriers' Obligations Regarding Information on Rates and Services. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.111 Certificate of Operating Authority (COA) and Service Provider Certificate of Operating Authority (SPCOA) Criteria. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.123 Caller Identification Services. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.127 Abbreviated Dialing Codes. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.128 Telephone Directories. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.130 Selection of Telecommunications Utilities. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.175 Small Incumbent Local Exchange Company Regulatory Flexibility. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.175 Reclassification of Telecommunications Services for Electing Incumbent Local Exchange Companies (ILECs). 12/21/2023
54589 §26.207 Form and Filing of Tariffs. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.208 General Tariff Procedures. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.209 New and Experimental Services. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.210 Promotional Rates for Local Exchange Company Services. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.211 Rate-Setting Flexibility for Services Subject to Significant Competitive Challenges. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.214 Long Run Incremental Cost (LRIC) Methodology for Services provided by Certain Incumbent Local Exchange Companies (ILECs). 12/21/2023
54589 §26.215 Long Run Incremental Cost Methodology for Dominant Certificated Telecommunications Utility (DCTU) Services. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.217 Administration of Extended Area Service (EAS) Requests. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.221 Applications to Establish or Increase Expanded Local Calling Service Surcharges. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.224 Requirements Applicable to Basic Network Services for Chapter 58 Electing Companies. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.272 Interconnection. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.276 Unbundling. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.403 Texas High Cost Universal Service Plan (THCUSP). 12/21/2023
54589 §26.404 Small and Rural Incumbent Local Exchange Company (ILEC) Universal Service Plan. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.405 Financial Need for Continued Support. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.407 Small and Rural Incumbent Local Exchange Company Universal Service Plan Support Adjustments. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.409 Review of Texas Universal Service Fund Support Received by Competitive Eligible Telecommunications Providers. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.414 Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS). 12/21/2023
54589 §26.417 Designation as Eligible Telecommunications Providers to Receive Texas Universal Service Funds (TUSF). 12/21/2023
54589 §26.418 Designation of Common Carriers as Eligible Telecommunications Carriers to Receive Federal Universal Service Funds. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.419 Telecommunication Resale Providers Designation as Eligible Telecommunications Providers to Receive Texas Universal Service Funds (TUSF) for Lifeline Service. 12/21/2023
54589 §26.433 Roles and Responsibilities of 9-1-1 Service Providers. 12/21/2023
52345 §25.52 Reliability and Continuity of Service. 12/20/2023
54585 §25.509 Scarcity Pricing Mechanism for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas Power Region. 12/20/2023
55153 §22.52 Notice in Licensing Proceedings. 12/20/2023
55407 §25.515 Texas Backup Power Package Advisory Committee. 11/23/2023
54932 §24.101 Appeal of Rate-making Decision, Pursuant to the Texas Water Code §13.043. 10/04/2023
54844 §24.235 Notice Requirements for Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Applications. 07/19/2023
54844 §25.31 Information to Applicants and Customers. 07/19/2023
54844 §25.231 Cost of Service. 07/19/2023
54844 §25.238 Purchased Power Capacity Cost Recovery Factor (PCRF). 07/19/2023
54844 §25.240 Contribution Disclosure Statements in Appeals of Municipal Utility Rates. 07/19/2023
54844 §25.271 Foreign Utility Company Ownership by Exempt Holding Companies. 07/19/2023
54844 §25.301 Nuclear Decommissioning Trusts. 07/19/2023
54844 §25.483 Disconnection of Service. 07/19/2023
54844 §25.486 Customer Protections for Brokerage Services. 07/19/2023
54844 §22.51 Notice for Public Utility Regulatory Act, Chapter 36, Subchapters C - E; Chapter 51, §51.009; and Chapter 53, Subchapters C - E, Proceedings. 07/19/2023
54844 §22.52 Notice in Licensing Proceedings. 07/19/2023
54844 §22.142 Limitations on Discovery and Protective Orders. 07/18/2023
52796 §25.30 Complaints. 04/26/2023
52796 §25.105 Registration by Power Marketers. 04/26/2023
52796 §25.107 Certification and Obligations of Retail Electric Providers (REPs). 04/26/2023
52796 §25.109 Registration by Power Generation Companies and Self-Generators. 04/26/2023
52796 §25.485 Customer Access and Complaint Handling. 04/26/2023
52796 §25.495 Unauthorized Change of Retail Electric Provider. 04/26/2023
54212 §25.219 Terms and Conditions of Access by a Competitive Retailer to the Delivery System of a Municipally Owned Utility or Electric Cooperative that Implements Customer Choice after May 1, 2023. 04/12/2023
54046 §24.239 Sale, Transfer, Merger, Consolidation, Acquisition, Lease, or Rental. 03/29/2023
54062 §24.49 Application for a Rate Adjustment by a Class D Utility Under Texas Water Code §13.1872. 12/20/2022
53403 §25.101 Certification Criteria. 12/20/2022
53169 §25.192 Transmission Rates for Export from ERCOT. 12/20/2022
53820 §25.43 Provider of Last Resort (POLR). 11/23/2022
52405 §25.173 Late Fees and Disconnections During an Extreme Weather Emergency for Nonpayment. 11/09/2022
52405 §25.55 Civil Penalties for Late Fees and Disconnections During an Extreme Weather Emergency for Nonpayment. 11/09/2022
53401 §25.55 Weather Emergency Preparedness. 10/20/2022