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Water and Sewer Substantive Rules  

Chapter 24 Rules  Chapter 24 Rules


Chapter 24 Rules
Rule Description/Explanatory Information Effective
24 TOC  Chapter 24 Table of Contents 01/08/25
subchapter A General Provisions
§24.1  Purpose and Scope of this Chapter. 12/21/16
§24.2 Severability Clause. 09/01/14
§24.3 Definitions of Terms.  06/01/22
§24.4 Cooperative Corporation Rebates. 09/01/14
§24.5 Submission of Documents. 09/01/14
§24.6 Signatories to Applications. 09/01/14
§24.8 Administrative Completeness. 10/17/18
§24.9 Agreements to be in Writing. 09/01/14
§24.11 Financial Assurance. 05/07/20
§24.12 Burden of Proof. 09/01/14
§24.14 Emergency Orders and Emergency Rates. 05/07/20
§24.15 Notice of Wholesale Water Supply Contract. 09/01/14
subchapter B Rates and Tariffs
§24.25  Form and Filing of Tariffs. 09/05/24
§24.27  Notice of Intent and Application to Change Rates. 05/07/20
§24.29  Time between Filings. 05/07/20
§24.31  Jurisdiction over Affiliated Interests. 10/17/18
§24.33  Suspension of the Effective Date of Rates. 05/07/20
§24.35  Processing and Hearing Requirements for an Application to Change Rates. 05/07/20
§24.37  Interim Rates. 10/17/18
§24.39  Escrow of Proceeds Received under Rate Increase. 10/17/18
§24.41  Cost of Service. 08/20/20
§24.43  Rate Design. 10/17/18
§24.44  Rate Case Expenses. 10/31/19
§24.45  Rates Charged by a Municipality to Certain Special Districts. 08/15/18
§24.46  Fees Charged by a Municipality to a Public School District. 08/15/18
§24.47  Jurisdiction of Commission over Certain Water or Sewer Supply Corporations. 10/17/18
§24.49  Application for a Rate Adjustment by a Class D Utility Pursuant to Texas Water Code §13.1872. 12/20/22
§24.50  Rates for Certain Recreational Vehicle Parks. 11/06/24
subchapter C Alternative Rate Methods
§24.75  Alternative Ratemaking Methodologies. 12/20/21
§24.76  System Improvement Charge. 12/20/21
subchapter D Rate-Making Appeals
§24.101  Appeal of Rate-making Decision, Pursuant to the Texas Water Code §13.043. 10/04/23
§24.103  Contents of Petition Seeking Review of Rates Pursuant to the Texas Water Code, §13.043(b). 10/17/18
§24.105  Refunds During Pendency of Appeal. 10/17/18
§24.107  Seeking Review of Rates for Sale of Water Under the Texas Water Code §12.013. 10/17/18
subchapter E Records and Reports
§24.125  General Reports. 10/17/18
§24.127  Financial Records and Reports--Uniform System of Accounts. 05/07/20
§24.129  Water and Sewer Utilities Annual Reports. 05/07/20
§24.131  Maintenance and Location of Records. 10/17/18
§24.133  Management Audits. 10/17/18
§24.134  Financial, Managerial, and Technical Reports Required for Water and Sewer Utilities. 06/18/20
§24.135  Regulatory Assessment. 10/17/18
subchapter F Customer Service and Protection
§24.151  Applicability. 10/17/18
§24.153  Customer Relations. 10/17/18
§24.155  Resolution of Disputes. 10/17/18
§24.157  Refusal of Service. 10/17/18
§24.159  Service Applicant and Customer Deposit. 10/17/18
§24.161  Response to Requests for Service by a Retail Public Utility Within Its Certificated Area. 10/17/18
§24.163  Service Connections. 10/17/18
§24.165  Billing. 10/17/18
§24.167  Discontinuance of Service. 10/17/18
§24.169  Meters. 10/17/18
§24.171  Continuity of Service. 10/17/18
§24.173  Late Fees and Disconnections During an Extreme Weather Emergency for Nonpayment. 11/09/22
subchapter G Quality of Service
§24.201  Applicability. 10/17/18
§24.203  Requirements by Others. 10/17/18
§24.205  Adequacy of Water Utility Service. 10/17/18
§24.207  Adequacy of Sewer Service. 10/17/18
§24.209  Standards of Construction. 10/17/18
subchapter H Certificates of Convenience and Necessity
§24.225  Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) Required. 10/17/18
§24.227  Criteria for Granting or Amending a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity. 05/07/20
§24.229  Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Not Required. 10/17/18
§24.231  Applicant. 10/17/18
§24.233  Contents of Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Applications. 01/08/25
§24.235  Notice Requirements for Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Applications. 07/19/23
§24.237  Action on Applications. 10/17/18
§24.238  Fair Market Valuation. 09/05/24
§24.239  Sale, Transfer, Merger, Consolidation, Acquisition, Lease, or Rental. 03/29/23
§24.240  Water and Sewer Utility Rates After Acquisition. 04/10/24
§24.241  Foreclosure and Bankruptcy. 10/17/18
§24.243  Purchase of Voting Stock or Acquisition of a Controlling Interest in a Utility. 08/20/20
§24.245  Revocation of a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity or Amendment of a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity by Decertification, Expedited Release, or Streamlined Expedited Release. 08/14/24
§24.247  Requirement to Provide Continuous and Adequate Service. 10/17/18
§24.249  Cessation of Operations by a Retail Public Utility. 10/17/18
§24.251  Exclusiveness of Certificates. 10/17/18
§24.253  Contracts Valid and Enforceable. 10/17/18
§24.255  Contents of Request for Cease and Desist Order by the Commission Under TWC §13.252. 10/17/18
§24.257  Mapping Requirements for Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Applications. 10/17/18
§24.259  Single Certification in Incorporated or Annexed Areas. 10/17/18
subchapter I Water Utility Submetering and Allocation
§24.275  General Rules and Definitions. 10/17/18
§24.277  Owner Registration and Records. 10/17/18
§24.279  Rental Agreement. 10/17/18
§24.281  Charges and Calculations. 10/17/18
§24.283  Billing. 10/17/18
§24.285  Complaint Jurisdiction. 10/17/18
§24.287  Submeters or Point-of-Use Submeters and Plumbing Fixtures. 10/17/18
subchapter J Wholesale Water or Sewer Service
§24.301  Petition or Appeal Concerning Wholesale Rate. 10/17/18
§24.303  Definitions. 10/17/18
§24.305  Petition or Appeal. 10/17/18
§24.307  Commission's Review of Petition or Appeal Concerning Wholesale Rate. 10/17/18
§24.309  Evidentiary Hearing on Public Interest. 10/17/18
§24.311  Determination of Public Interest. 10/17/18
§24.313  Commission Action to Protect Public Interest, Set Rate. 10/17/18
§24.315  Determination of Cost of Service. 10/17/18
§24.317  Burden of Proof. 10/17/18
§24.319  Commission Order to Discourage Succession of Rate Disputes. 10/17/18
§24.321  Filing of Rate Data. 10/17/18
subchapter K Enforcement, Supervision and Receivership
§24.351  Enforcement Action. 10/17/18
§24.353  Supervision of Certain Utilities. 10/17/18
§24.355  Operation of Utility that Discontinues Operation or is Referred for Appointment of a Receiver. 10/17/18
§24.357  Operation of a Utility by a Temporary Manager. 10/17/18
§24.359  Fines and Penalties. 10/17/18
§24.363  Temporary Rates for Services Provided for a Nonfunctioning System. 05/07/20
§24.364  Civil Penalties for Late Fees and Disconnections During an Extreme Weather Emergency for Nonpayment. 11/09/22
subchapter L Provisions Regarding Municipalities
§24.375  Jurisdiction of Municipality: Surrender of Jurisdiction. 10/17/18
§24.377  Applicability of Commission Service Rules Within the Corporate Limits of a Municipality. 10/17/18
§24.379  Notification Regarding Use of Revenue. 10/17/18
§24.381  Fair Wholesale Rates for Wholesale Water Sales to a District. 10/17/18
Appendix I Cross-reference of Renumbered Sections. 10/17/18
Appendix III Records, Reports, and Other Information that May be Required. 01/08/25