A Municipal Water System means a community water system owned by a city, village, county, town, town sanitary district, utility district, public inland lake and rehabilitation district, municipal water district or a federal, state, county or municipal owned institution for congregate care or correction, or a privately owned water utility.
PUCT Jurisdiction Statement
Municipalities are political subdivisions with elected governing bodies responsible for setting the rates and service policies for the provision of retail water and sewer service to customers.
- The PUCT has appellate jurisdiction over customers living outside the city limits receiving retail water or sewer service from a city.
- A city may surrender its jurisdiction over IOUs located inside the city limits to the PUCT.
Customers located inside the corporate limits of a city should appeal a city's ratemaking decision to their elected city council members.
About Rates
Rates set by the governing body of a city are not subject to review or approval by the PUCT unless ten percent or 10,000 (whichever is less) of the affected customers located outside the city file an appeal in the form of a petition with the PUCT.
- The PUCT has appellate jurisdiction over customers living outside the city limits that receive retail water or sewer utility service from a city.
- A city may surrender its jurisdiction to oversee IOUs located inside the city limits to the PUCT.
Customers located inside the corporate limits of a city should appeal a city's ratemaking decision to their elected city council members.
We are excited to offer the Faucet Facts newsletter, a quarterly update from the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) on water and sewer retail public utility regulation.