Administrative Approval
Telecom Cases Eligible for Administrative Approval
Pursuant to P.U.C. Proc. R. 22.35 *
- Small LEC Rate Change
- IntraLATA Equal Access Plans
- Area Code Reclamation
- Certificate of Convenience and Necessity, including name change
- Depreciation/Amortization
- Partial Deregulated Co-op Notice of Rate Change
- Extended Area Service
- Expanded Local Calling Scope
- Eligible Telecommunications Carrier/Eligible Telecommunications Provider Designation
- Franchise Taxes Passed Through to Ratepayers
- Interconnection Agreements
- Long-Run Incremental Cost Cases
- NANPA Appeals
- Reciprocity Cases
- Service Provider Certificate of Operating Authority/Certificate of Operating Authority Applications, Including Name Changes
- Tariffs-Telephone (Except Withdrawal of Service)
- Waivers/Exemptions
- Access Line Rates - Municipality using Statewide Average or Rates of a Similarly sized Municipality
* Eligibility for administrative approval does not guarantee processing in that manner. Any filing may be presented to the Commission in the form of a proposed order by decision of the administrative law judge.